Organic = Healthier?

There have been countless times I have heard people talking about organic foods…and buying organic foods…and eating organic foods. The term “organic” appears to turn any food into an automatic “superfood” – it’s immediately perceived as healthier for consumption. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. It is true that organically-grown foods are not GMOs, and are not subjected to synthetic chemicals; however, that doesn’t make the food healthier, in terms of nutrient density or other benefits.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), “Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible” (USDA, 2012). Contrary to the popular belief, this does not mean that organic foods are more nutrient-dense, or are healthier, than non-organic foods. It does mean that organically-grown foods are not exposed to synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, and they will not have any artificial additives (color, flavor, preservatives, etc.). Additionally, organic meat would have lived in a habitat supporting normal behavior; in other words, the animal would have been allowed to run around, graze, and be free of small, confining cages. Organic meat, as could be assumed, is “fed 100% organic feed […] and not administered antibiotics or hormones” (USDA, 2012).

As for the belief that organic foods have superfood-like benefits…well, that’s not true… There was a study done by individuals at Stanford University which gave rise to the fact that organic foods and conventional foods (a.k.a. “non-organic”) are the same, in regard to health benefits and food safety. Though there are many who claim that the exposure to pesticides from conventional foods can cause adverse health issues, such as antibiotic resistance, most of the studies testing these substances used rats as their test subjects. From my perspective, there are multiple issues with the information from these studies, but these are the two biggest problems: 1) Rats do not have the same body composition as humans do; hence, their metabolic processes are different, and they could develop adverse reactions to substances while we would have little to no reaction to the same substance. 2) The doses of pesticides administered to the rats are highly purified – in the “real world” environment, there is no possible way that we could consume a purified dose of a pesticide.

Ultimately, the choice is yours; as the consumer, you have the freedom to buy and eat whatever you like. If you have an ongoing concern about synthetic pesticides and animal cruelty, then – by all means – choose the organic foods. But, if your choice between going organic or getting the non-organic food is solely based on the level of nutrition or health benefits that each provides, then you really don’t have to swear by the USDA-certified label. The conventional foods are just as good!

My main resource:  USDA. (2012). Organic 101: What the USDA Organic Label Means. Retrieved from

An article about that Stanford study I mentioned:

Another resource to further your learning experience:

Meat and Cancer: Are We Safe?

When the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) a branch of the World Health Organization reported that hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats* cause cancer, a lot of people wondered, would I think twice before purchasing a hot dog at an Angel’s baseball game?

But in all seriousness, this report shouldn’t have come as a surprise because, for years the IARC has been publishing statements on over 1,000 different things; from chemicals to foods on a 5-tier system.

Group 1: Carcinogenic — causes cancerprocessedmeat
Group 2A: Probably causes cancer
Group 2B: Possibly causes cancer
Group 3: Can’t tell — not enough evidence
Group 4: Doesn’t cause cancer

Processed meats have long been linked to certain cancers of the digestive tract, especially colorectal and stomach cancers. However, scientists don’t have a definitive answer as to how much meat is too much. But they point out that your risk rises the more processed meats you eat.

So far so good right?

Well, after this report was released, the IARC determined there was enough evidence to put processed meats in the top-tier of cancer risks (group 1) alongside tobacco smoke and asbestos.

So does that means smoking is as risky as eating a hot dog?

No, instead it means that scientists are certain something causes cancer, not that the risks of eating processed meats and smoking are equal. In fact, there is evidence that certain chemicals are created when meats are cured and smoked, which are known to increase cancer risk. Some cuts of red meat are higher in saturated fat, which is also linked to cancer. Even some cooking methods like grilling or frying can create cancer-causing chemicals in meat.

In the end, we simply don’t have enough information to know if one type of processed meat is worse than another. There are different kinds of processing, so it’s unclear which processing method may be more hazardous than others.

At the same time, the report is a good reminder to make red and processed meats occasional treats, not mealtime staples, according to Marion Nestle, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University.

He advises sticking close to dietary guidelines like those from the USDA: Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and stick to low-fat or fat-free dairy; cut back on sodium, saturated and trans fats, and added sugar.

*The IRAC defined processed meats as those that are salted, cured, fermented, smoked, or otherwise treated either to enhance their flavor or keep them from spoiling.

More information can be found here!

20 Reasons to Consider Coconuts a Super Food


Author: Sarah Waldowski

I was recently gripped by an article which claimed that there have been over 1,500 recent studies indicating coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. In my dietetic training I was always advised to first be skeptical of such highfalutin claims until they have proven themselves quick worthy, as food fraud is a 40 billion dollar industry. However in light of the following list of claims and supportive studies regarding the health benefits it is hard not to admit that coconut oils is looking quite ‘super’ – indeed.

1. Proven Alzheimer’s Disease Natural Treatment:     “Recent research has shown that the brain actually creates its own insulin to process glucose and power brain cells. As the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient has lost the ability to create its own insulin, the ketones from coconut oil could create an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function.”

2. Prevents Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure:

“Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats not only increase the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL) in your body, but also help to convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols. [Therefore] By Increasing the HDL’s in the body, it helps promote heart health, and lower the risk of heart disease.”

3. Addresses Urinary Tract Infection and Kidney Infection & Protects the Liver:

“Coconut oil has been known to clear up and heal urinary (UTI) and kidney infections. The MCFA’s in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the lipid coating on bacteria and killing them. Also there is a study showing that coconut oil directly protected the liver from damage.”

4. Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis:

“In a study in India, the high levels of antioxidants present in virgin coconut oil reduced inflammation and healing arthritis more effectively than leading medications.”

5. Cancer Prevention and Treatment:

“Coconut oil has two qualities that help it fight cancer. One, because of the ketones produced in its digestion. Tumor cells are not able to access the energy in ketones and are glucose dependent. It is believed that a ketogenic diet could be a possible component of helping cancer patients recover. Two, as the MCFA’s digest the lipid walls of bacteria, they also can kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria that has been known as increasing the risk of stomach cancer. Even in studies where cancer is chemically induced, the introduction of coconut oil prevents cancer from developing!

6. Immune System Boost (antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral):

“Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is known to reduce candida, fight bacteria, and create a hostile environment for viruses. Many diseases today are causes by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, funguses, viruses and parasites in the body.”

7. Improves Memory and Brain Function:

“In a 2004 study published in the journal of Neurobiology of Aging, they found that the MCFA’s found in coconut oil improved the memory problems in their older subjects.”

8. Improves Energy and Endurance:

“Coconut oil is easy to digest, but also produces a longer sustained energy and increases your metabolism. When taking a quality non-processed coconut oil, you can get the most benefit as it’s MCFA’s are sent directly to the liver to be converted into energy!”

9. Improves Digestion, Reduces Stomach Ulcers & Ulcerative Colitis:

“Coconut also improves digestion as it helps the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, and magnesium.

If coconut oil is taken at the same time as omega-3 fatty acids, it can make them twice as effective, as they are readily available to be digested and used by the body.”

10. Reduces Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease & Pancreatitis:

“The MCFA’s of coconut oil do not need the pancreatic enzymes to be broken down, so taking coconut oil eases the strain on the pancreas.”

11. Improves Skin Issues (burns, eczema, dandruff, dermatitis, and psoriasis)

“Coconut oil is wonderful as a face cleanser, moisturizer and sun screen, but also it can treat many skin disorders. The fatty acids (Caprylic and Lauric) in coconut oil reduce inflammation internally and externally and moisturize making them a great solution for all types of skin conditions.”

12. Prevents Gum Disease and Tooth Decay:

Oil pulling with coconut oil has been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and help heal periodontal disease. Coconut oil is one of the most effective oils for oil pulling due to it’s high concentration of antibacterial MCFA’s.

13. Prevents Osteoporosis

“amazing coconut oil benefits is that it [appears to] increases calcium absorption in the gut. Research with osteoporosis has found that coconut oil not only increases bone volume and structure in subjects, but also decreased bone loss due to osteoporosis.”

14. Improves Type II Diabetes

“When cells refuse to respond to insulin and no longer take in glucose for energy, then they are considered insulin resistant. The pancreas then pumps out more insulin to compensate and creates an overproduction cycle. Insulin resistance is the precursor to Type II diabetes.

The MCFA’s in coconut oil helps balance the insulin reactions in the cells and promote healthy digestive process.

15. Coconut Oil for Weight loss:

“the Obesity Research Journal published a study from Boston University Medical School that gives us a clue why MCFAs have fat burning ability.”

16. Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair Care:

“If you have dandruff or dry hair coconut oil has the perfect fatty acids to help improve these conditions. You can make homemade coconut lavender shampoo to improve your hair and use straight coconut oil as an all natural hair conditioner.”

 17. Candida and Yeast Infections:

“A study published in the journal of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy found the capric acid and lauric acid in coconut oil were an effective natural treatment for candida albicans and yeast infections.”

 18. Coconut Oil for Anti-aging:

“According to research published in the medical journal Food and Function, coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow aging. Coconut oil works by reducing stress on the liver and by lowering oxidative stress.”

19. Building Muscle and Losing Body Fat:

“MCFAs aren’t just good for burning fat; they are also great for building muscle. The MCFAs found in coconut are also used in popular muscle building products like Muscle Milk™.

 20. Coconut Oil for Hormone Balance:

“Studies have found that coconut oil may be an excellent fat to consume during menopause and also may have positives effects on estrogen levels.”


Keep an eye on coconuts ladies and gentelmen; it looks as though they will only continue to further prove themselves as a valuable dietary asses in the days ahead.

(for more details on presented benefit claims please see original article)

It’s Not About the Destination, it’s About the Journey

Way back in the day when I was a senior in high school..(and yes way back for me because I graduated in the first decade of the 2000s), we had a graduation tradition where a distinguished teacher would read Dr. Seuss’ “Oh The Places You’ll Go” to us. Now, on the brink of graduating college, I look back on this and realize that there is more than one interpretation of “places”. Mostly you think of physical location– going to a new state, city, school, or environment, but there is a big variety of emotional “places” you go through in college that people forget to mention. This journey is the one that people refer to when they say that college is the time for you to discover yourself.

People tend to think that this self-discovery is done mostly through actions- trying new things, meeting new people etcetera, and while that is definitely true, it is crucial to mention that is about how these actions make you FEEL that really is the most influential factor to self-discovery. EMOTIONS is the key word. An area that many people are afraid to talk about because it’s so personal but it’s so very necessary.

As FN Majors, from the start you’re told how academically demanding the major is, how competitive internships are, how important GPA is– especially for those DPD classes. Of course there’s variety in difficulty depending on your option/emphasis, but overall our classes are hard. What is also difficult is the emotional roller coaster that come along for the ride while we’re taking these classes– unless you’re one of the lucky few who hasn’t experienced those at all. If you haven’t experienced the emotional ups and downs that comes with classes like ochem, metabolism, MNT, etc yet then let me tell you to be prepared. At the same time I want to also let you know I’m not trying to discourage you or tell you it’s impossible and that you’re going to fail, what I’m trying to tell you is that it’s normal.

All of us are unique, and as such we handle our academic challenges differently. I for one am a “perfectionist” type when it comes to classes. I set myself to a high standard and sometimes I can be too hard on myself– I am always out to “better my best”.

Alert Alert: Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency !  I recently came across a great and well organized little video by Dr. Axe which highlighted the importance of Magnesium in the diet, it’s recent threat as a more common deficiency, and WHY that is. Or, our best educated guess anyway.   Here are a few highlights from what Dr. Axe shared that I pulled out and felt were the most crucial. However I’ve provided a link below so if you would like to watch it and see for yourself you are more than welcome to take a peek!   My highlights:

  • Recent studies have shown that approximately 80% of the population in North America are Magnesium deficient !
  • Magnesium deficiency signs can include but are not limited to: emotional up’s and down’s, issues with your gut health, cravings of certain sweet foods, blood-sugar issues, hormone imbalances, lack of energy, etc.
  • Magnesium is that MOST USED mineral in your entire body, responsible for over 300 different biochemical interactions! Making it essential for your body to utilize OTHER nutrients
  • Other key nutrients Magnesium impacts:  VIT D and CALCIUM
  • Big reason for all the Magnesium deficiencies today has to do with the way we are now growing our food, which ultimatley leads to the soil not having enough Magnesium (where in the past this was not the case)
  • Quality Magnesium supplementation may be a helpful (but certainly not the only way) to ensure you are getting your daily Magnesium needs met

Pretty interesting, no?   Because Magnesium acts like a bridge to so many important functions (especially involving energy metabolism!) it is not a deficiency we want to play around with. Not something that you want to leave chronically – unaddressed.   Here is the link to Dr. Axe’s video discussing these topics in more depth. Hope it’s helps you consider ways that you might take better care of your valuable bodies, and I hope you enjoy!   Dr. Drake Video

Study: Vit A Supplementation and Immunoresponse During Pregnancy

Hello Food Digest readers!

I recently came across a study discussing the connection between vitamin A supplimentation. immunoresponses, and pregnancy that I felt was well worth sharing for consideration.

The nutrition journal was entitled ‘Vitamin A supplementation increases ratios of proinflammatory to anti-inflammatory cytokine responses in pregnancy and lactation’. Here they are discussing possible vitamin A nutrition therapies and how they might impact the immunoresponse of pregnant women who have been found to be vitamin A deficient. Initially, the article lays some ground work by explaining that a vitamin A deficiency is associated with alterations in the balance of type I (proinflammatory) and type II (anti-inflammatory) cytokine responses of the immune system, and that these alterations have the potential to make the body more susceptible to infections. It then highlights for us that this kind of immunocompromise is an especially sensitive topic during pregnancy because of the delicate balance between the type I and type II immune response which exists during this time. An imbalance either way can be detrimental. For example excessive proinflammatory immune responses could “damage the placentia leading to placential insufficiency, premature delivery and/or low birth weight babies”; or on the other had excessive anti-inflammatory immune responses can make the mother and fetus vulnerable to infections (especially, the article notes, in third world countries where vitamin A deficiencies and infectious threats are so high risk!). This second example would be especially concerning in certain regions like Africa where the threat of infectious disease such as Malaria are realistic threats and where the need for a proactive immune system during pregnancy is even more imperative.

The study in the article took a group of first time pregnant women who were vitamin A deficient and in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial gave half of the group vitamin A supplementation and half a placebo in order to observe immuno related outcomes. Ultimately they found that the ratio of IFN-y (proinflammatory cytokine) to IL-10 (anti-inflammatory cytokine) was “significantly higher in the vitamin A supplemented group compared to the placebo group in late pregnancy and at postpartom” (61% and 57%). In other words, the results of this study suggest that vitamin A supplementation does ‘tip the balance’ of cytokine responses in the proinflammatory direction, rather than the direction of the anti-inflammatory immunoresponse, allowing for a stronger fight against infection. With that said the article heeded caution and another reminder that this increase in ‘proinflammatory cytokines’ (via. vitamin A supplementation) could be both potentially beneficial and harmful depending on the case; but possibly most beneficial in groups with higher proinflammatory needs.

What we can conclude from this is that vitamin A supplementation therapies may be an especially appropriate nutrition intervention for pregnant women of low-income countries more vulnerable to infectious disease (such as women in Africa with the threat of Malaria, as previously mentioned). It is a low-cost readily available option, which has the potential to better support these specific groups of women when they are in need of it the most.

Another perfect example of why nutrition therapy  should never be generalized.  A specific group, often needs a specific therapy, for a specific reason.  Easy to forget, important to remember.

Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program

There are a plethora of government programs that provide food and nutrition assistance to those in need. WIC, SNAP, and Meals on Wheels are all popular examples of this. One less-known example is the Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program, aka EFNEP.

What is it?
EFNEP is a federal agency under the USDA, specifically under the Cooperative State Research, Education, & Extension Service (CSREES). It was started in 1965, a time where there were strong protest-clipart-PEOPLE21-11pushes for social reform and an established link between malnutrition and poverty. They serve all fifty states and territories (American Samoa, Guam, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, & the Virgin Islands), and their goal is to empower low-income individuals and families with the knowledge, skills, and desire to adopt and maintain a nutritious diet.

How does it work?
EFNEP works by receiving federal and state/ local government aid. County extension family and consumer science professionals (often a person with the degree – like an RD) are EFNEP coordinators. They will train peer educators (paraprofessionals) and volunteers  to teach EFNEP. These paraprofessionals & volunteers often live in the community in which they serve, making it convenient to recruit and receive referrals for families within the community. EFNEP divisions receive referrals from local schools and businesses, non-profit and faith-based organizations, and local SNAP and WIC offices.

children-eatingParaprofessionals can in a variety of methods: group, one-to-one situations, by mail, telephone, and mass media. They are set on developing understanding, awareness, and involvement in the educational program. There are adult and youth EFNEP programs; the adult EFNEP is a series of ~10-12 classes on better food choices, food safety/ storage, cooking skills, physical activity, and managing budget. The youth program mirrors the topics the adults have, but is presented in a more age-appropriate fashion.

How does it relate to RDs and/or nutrition students?
RDs are most often EFNEP coordinators – they have the responsibility of a particular region, setting up community programs, and training paraprofessionals. You do not have to be an RD to become an EFNEP coordinator, but you will most likely need a related degree.
Students: can use EFNEP for informational/ counseling resources as well as contact local coordinator if interested in becoming a paraprofessional.

I admire the program because they empower individuals by teaching life skills. When you teach someone to live more efficiently, it is one less thing to worry about and enables them to pursue other interests.

Pretty cool, huh? Check out their website for more information:

Universities Offer Cooking 101 Classes

Credit: Cristina Suh, Michigan Daily (2010)
Credit: Cristina Suh, Michigan Daily (2010)

You know the story. 18 year-old kid graduates from high school, moves into dorms, and starts college. Before, he used to rely on his parents to cook for him, but now since he is away from home, at the dining commons, he has greater agency to choose what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. After a couple semesters of the same old dining hall pizza, unlimited ice cream, and dorm room instant ramen (and party alcohol/tailgating) and even more weight gain may occur after leaving the dorms and moving into an apartment for independent living during the sophomore, junior, and senior years.

Undoubtedly, attending college is a period of time of learning about yourself and attaining different life skills, but between stressful exams, writing papers, studying, and sometimes working, not every college student has/learns basic cooking skills or makes the best picks when grocery shopping. This lack of essential know-how for food preparation can be problematic to public health and contributes to rising obesity rates. Generally, young adults’ food culture and choices are dominated by purchasing or making meals that are quick, easy, and convenient, but unfortunately, these microwave-ready and fast food selections are large in portion size and are high in saturated fat and sodium. So how can this remedied?

Typically, home-cooked meals can be healthier because people have the power to choose what goes into their food and to know exactly what their finished dish contains. Consequently, a few universities have opted to offer courses that coach students to be more savvy in the kitchen and at the grocery store and that teach fundamental cooking skills. For example, Stanford University’s dining services has unveiled the “Teaching Kitchen” program, headed by noted British chef, Jamie Oliver, and Oregon State University and the University of Minnesota’s Boynton Health Service have offered similar programs to their own students.

Nonetheless, not all universities offer such seminars, but the accessibility to essential kitchen knowledge is available through the internet.,, and are sites and blogs that have recipes with easy kitchen hacks and for delicious meals for the busy college student. If students can be more knowledgeable in cooking and making more healthful food choices, then perhaps the current rising trend of nutrition-related health issues, such as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and increased risk of diabetes, in young adults can be improved.

Click these links for additional information on this conversation:

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 (Film Review)


In my last film review post I covered the meat lovers side of things with a pro-paleo type of documentary, but this time around I’m taking care of you plant-based diet fans out there. If you hadn’t already guessed it, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 is the sequel to the 2010 film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead which in a nut shell, followed Joe Cross on his journey to “reset” his health by going on a 60 day juice cleanse. I’m personally not a strong juicing advocate, but I actually really enjoyed the first movie and found the results of his journey rather interesting. If you haven’t seen the first one I suggest you check that out as well. Now you’re probably wondering why they would make a sequel to a documentary about juicing…after all how much can you talk about juicing without it being overkill and boring? Trust me, when this movie popped up on my Netflix recommendations, I was thinking the same thing. Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 happened to be completely different from what I was expecting. It wasn’t about vegetarianism, or a in-your-face pro plant-based diet film or a JUICE-EVERYTHING-IN-YOUR-FRIDGE-BECAUSE-IT-IS-THE-MIRACLE-CURE-TO-LIFE it wasn’t even a MEAT-IS-THE-DEVIL-INCARNATE film. While juicing was mentioned throughout the film, it wasn’t really the main focus and on the whole it actually was reminiscent of Nutrition Education class as it had us go on a journey to discover how to best educate people to eat healthier on a overall level (not specifically about how to get people to juice). Joe goes around the world interviewing different people about their eating habits and about their perceptions on healthy eating, and even talks to some professionals regarding food eating patterns, and approaches to changing unhealthy lifestyles. A lot of the information from this documentary was very logically sound and it was refreshing to watch a food documentary that wasn’t about pushing a specific type of eating pattern or diet but rather about how to help people make small steps to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

To summarize, I recommend checking out this movie if you’re interested in the education side of nutrition and/ or the behavioral psychology aspect of nutrition.

GMO No, No, No?

GMO apple

GMO foods. Sort of a brave topic to endeavor with all of its recent attention.  However I have learned a few surprising things over the last couple of years, as a dietetic student, that I believe are worth sharing on the topic.  I never believed in a million years I would be one to defend GMO foods, and in many ways I still am not, but I wanted to provide a thought here at least for your consideration.  For all the GMO haters out there (Me me! That was me!). That together we might fairly consider both the bad, and the good.


The GMO Bad:

Put plainly, we just don’t know yet on a short or long-term consideration how these adjustments on the DNA level of foods are interacting with our human bodies. Are they undetectably causing dangerous chronic inflammation? New allergies? Spurring auto-immune disorders? There is no way to know because at the moment there simply is not a tight enough reign on the GMO labeling process, therefore leading to a lack of reliable records available for keeping the GMO foods accountable.  Drawing conclusions.  Making informed adjustments.  It is all outside of our reach until the labeling of GMOs is more absolute and the health records therefore more confidently analyzed. However as is, there’s no way to know yet (big picture) if these GMO foods are OK, but still they circulated today’s food system prevalently and unapologetically.  That is the bad news.


The GMO Good:

What? The ..good? With all of that said, how could I have the gall to defend its existence?  Just listen.

It is SO easy to jump of the ‘hater’ bandwagon for GMOs, and I am not trying to talk you out of that.  I myself have at least one foot on that wagon at all times.  However, I have an incredible example of the potential GOOD that GMOs can do for the world that I would like you to at least take in with me for consideration.  Back in 1970 a gentlemen by the name of Dr. Norman Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his invention of a GMO semi-dwarf, high-yield, disease-resistant wheat variety. This GMO crop, in the mid-20th century, literally saved hundreds of thousands of lives from starvation. In fact Dr. Borlaug has often been revered as, ‘The man who saved a Billion lives”. His semi-dwarf wheat variety made a wheat yield possible in regions like Mexico, Pakistan, and India where it would have been otherwise impossible due to the ‘regular’ (non-genetically modified) wheat plants having stems that were too long to survive the harsher desert climates. These were regions at the time of critically severe food insecurity (post WWII), and therefore Borlaug’s GMO dwarf-wheat crop was literally a life-saver for a countless multitude.

Wow. What a powerful testimony. GMO technology not only has the potentially to meet unique needs and save lives, but already has! And tremendously so! Did you know that? Doesn’t that…change or soften in some way the often hard-lined perspective against GMO foods that we find everywhere in the media today? The potential is unbelievable. But understandably scary at the same time.


My point here ultimately is not to encourage people to trust GMO foods before they are proved themselves, but to be more open to considering the case ‘for’ GMOs. To not close up our ears and hearts to the idea that GMO foods could do this world a great service in the days ahead, and when we might be needing it the most.

It’s not certain, but it is certainly possible.

A billion people, is a billion people… Hats off to that!

So let’s together be at least open to the idea.